Chairperson, 1979 - 1982
I still have a vivid memory of being approached in 1974 to see if I would be willing to act as a Board Member for the then K-W Services. I surprised myself by immediately saying yes. I had no premonition that I would be an active, sometimes distracted member for the following eight years, the last three as Chairperson.
We were, in the early seventies, a respected community agency staffed by volunteers and our well-loved Executive Secretary, Connie Crushank. Our office was a room in the Cruishank home. Able, long term volunteers planned and ran the programmes.
I especially remember Mae Hicks who gave ten years service to the weekly afternoon club, The Happy Rebels, and Bob Cruikshank who ran the swimming programme, two days a week for many years. They were but two of many remarkable volunteers.
Our basic philosophy was, although many of us didn't really realize it, a "doing for." Nearly all early social services were basically oriented to a parental authority position. We didn't really question that there was anything wrong with that position. But the winds of change were sweeping across the nation and many pioneering people were asking questions and demanding change.
We were very fortunate to have Dr. John Lord move to our Board. He had studied the many issues of improved opportunities for disabled people. He was commissioned by the Board to write a position paper outlining the possible future direction we might take in the Eighties. The membership worked with him on the report. The Board accepted the recommendations, the gist of which was to change the philosophy to one of working "with."
Members were given every opportunity to develop and implement their own programmes and take a full share in the operation of the Agency.
Looking back I wonder about the hardships of the change. It was disturbing and upsetting to Board members and to the membership.
Some, having worked all their lives in the "doing for" and "being done for" position which brought the Agency into being in the first place and had accomplished many wonderful gains, could see no reason for change.
But, in the end, slowly and sometimes painful we did change.
Well the good news, as you know, is that this new position brought about enormous benefits. The office was moved to Waterloo Town Square and an Executive Director was hired.
I look back on the hiring of a full-time Director as the best of many good moves the Board made during that period.
When I saw, that with the staff and others at the helm, the Agency was about to jet into the 21st Century, I decided my turn as Chairperson was over.
I experienced those years as the worst of times and best of times - 1974 - 1981. Thanks for the memories.
Year | Board Members |
1979 - 1980 |
1980 - 1981 |
1981 - 1982 |
1982 - 1983 |
Year | Staff |
1979 - 1980 |
1980 - 1981 |
1981 - 1982 |
1982 - 1983 |