"Your 1st LINK to Adaptive Computer Technology"
The PHIRST LINK Accessible Computers & Information Technology Programme of Kitchener Waterloo AccessAbility is an information and resource service empowering adults with physical disabilities by providing their first link in an accessible, affordable chain of practical, self-directed how-to computer literacy instruction, vocational assistance, technical support, consumer advice, and adaptive computer technology training.
Since its inception in 1985, PHIRST LINK has provided a unique and essential service to over 3,000 students with diverse visual, communication, and mobility issues, as well as cross-disabilities.
Specialized technologies enable persons with physical disabilities to extend themselves in time and space, expanding their abilities in the areas of communication, recreation, education, vocation, and self-directed living.
Individualized one-on-one instruction is typically provided in two-hour blocks, and the duration of the instruction period, as well as an individual programme plan, are uniquely established at the time of the initial assessment.
Word processing, social networking, spreadsheets, web browsers, databases, operating systems, multimedia software, adaptive devices, tablets and smart phones are all possible topics of instruction.
Let's focus on your abilities! Contact PHIRST LINK Manager Ronald B. Fleming to link up now to PHIRST LINK's accessible chain of services. You can reach the PHIRST LINK Manager or his voice mail by calling 519-885-6640 and keying 202 for his extension.
PHIRST LINK services include:
Ronald Bruce FlemingEsq., B.A., B.Ed., M.A., O.T.C., K.R.C., F.R.S.A.PHIRST LINK ManagerPHIRST LINK Accessible Computers & Information Technology ProgrammeKitchener Waterloo AccessAbility"Your 1st LINK to Adaptive Computer Technology" 519-885-6640 Ext. 202