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When it comes to Health and Wellness, little things means a lot.  Below are some simple tips, recipes and information to help move you one step closer to a healthier life. 

Snack Smart

Feeling snacky? Stay satisfied with a protein-filled snack like apple slices dipped in natural peanut butter.

Yoghurt Parfait

For some people, the word "snack" makes them think of chips or chocolate.  These treats might satisfy a quick craving but they  don't give you long lasting energy.

Healthy snacks help keep energy levels up and provide you with nutrients your body needs. A healthy snack that includes some protein can help satisfy huger so that you don't overeat at your meal times.

Next time you want to nibble, reach for a protein-filled snack like apple slices with peanut butter, hummus with veggies, or Greek-style youghurt with berries.